Welcome to my page, this post is dedicated to my international friends. In this post, I will share with you my personal recipe for homemade pizza.
Step 1: Ingredients
Get the following ingredients:
- Manitoba flour (if you don’t find, do not despair: you can make a good pizza even with 00 common flour)
- Fresh brewer’s yeast (all recipes refer to fresh brewer’s yeast. Dry brewer’s yeast is ok too, just divide the quantity by three and round it up)
- salt
- water
- re-milled semolina flour, or rice flour (dusting flour)
For 2 pizzas, of about 30 x 40 cm each, you will need:
- flour 900g
- water 630g
- salt 30g
- olive oil 30g
- yeast 5g
(at a temperature of 20° C. Sharing a secret with you: make sure the yeast is close to 20°C, pay attention if your house/storage is hotter/colder than the rest of the house)
Now, follow the step-by-step instructions. You can get further help from my videos below (apologies for the vertical video)
Step 2: Mixing
Mix all the ingredients with a fork, then put in the fridge for 2 or 3 hours.
Important: remember to close the container with its cover, or cling film.
You should have a dough similar to the picture.
watch the video for the procedure
Step 3: The dough
It is now time to prepare your dough:
- spread the dough on a pastry board
- Then, fold it 3 times sequentially from the short side
- spread the main dough again on the pastry board
- Then, fold it 3 times sequentially from the short side
- Now, we are going to let the dough “rest” back in the fridge. You should achieve a ball-shaped dough, and place it back into the container. Note: you will notice how your ball-shaped dough has a natural shape: a high side and a low side. Always keep these dimensions when spreading, folding or storing your dough
- close the container with its cover or cling film
- put the container in the fridge for another 2 or 3 hours
Step 4: The dough (once more)
Take your main dough out of the fridge. Time for more massage!
- spread the dough on a pastry board
- Then, fold it 3 times sequentially from the short side
- spread the main dough again on the pastry board
- Then, fold it 3 times sequentially from the short side
- Now, we are going to let the dough “rest” back in the fridge. You should achieve a ball-shaped dough, and place it back into the container. Note: you will notice how your ball-shaped dough has a natural shape: a high side and a low side. Always keep these dimensions when spreading, folding or storing your dough
- close the container with its cover or cling film
- put the container in the fridge for another 2 or 3 hours
Step 5: Leaven process (8 hours before cooking)
- Oil 2 containers, possibly with a cap, e.g. a tupperware
- divide the dough into 2 packs of 800g
- fold the dough into three parts
- put the dough into the container (remember: keep the high side as such!)
- let the dough rise until it doubles (about 8 hours) with the cap closed
Step 6:Baking
First off, turn the oven on to the maximum (static), 30 minutes in advance. Then:
- put abundant dusting flour in the edges of the container
- remove the dough sliding it
- oil the pan
- draft the dough with your fingertips
- put tomato puree with your hands
- bake
- after 6/7 minutes put cheese
- cook for another 7 minutes
- …enjoy! Here’s an impression:
How did your recipe go? Please feel free to share your creations, share ideas or suggestions #pizzafox and share your pizza picture with link to my web site www.pizzafox.it
Yours, Pizzafox